Conjure Oils

Conjure Oils
Conjure oils are a valuable tool you can use to enhance your magic workings. The power of the oil resides in the plants and prayers used to make the oil as well as the intention and power of the witch preparing it. All of our oils are hand prepared based on the appropriate planetary alignments using traditional black belt hoodoo recipes and methods.
EXODUS #6- This is THE holy oil. Its recipe comes straight from the bible with ingredients for personal power, purification, protection, prosperity, healing, and spiritual devotion. Exodus #6 is used specifically for altar work. You can dress your altar candles or anoint yourself and your altar items to amplify (and quicken) prayer work.
ALCHEMY- This “crown of success” oil is made for the purpose of manifesting big goals and is intended for long term workings. Alchemy is a perfect oil for hoodoo lamps and can be paired with Alchemy bath.
ST. ANNE’S GRACE- This is a special oil made specifically to raise one’s vibration. St. Anne’s Grace is blessed with the the energies of the saint from which it’s named to promote wisdom, grace, peace, and compassion. It is an ideal oil for personal or spirit elevation and altar work.
COLLARED- Prepared once a month on the full moon for domination work or to bend others to your will - whether it’s a difficult boss, a known enemy, or a lover. This oil can be worn on the body, used to dress candles, amulets or mojo bags. ***WARNING: This oil is very potent***
TANTRIKA- This conjure oil is for all matters of love, lust, passion, sex, and sex magic. Tantrika is made to invoke sexual energy and is for those sex gods and goddesses that are into the art of seduction.
MONEY TREES- Prepared during the waxing moon this conjure oil is for any work involving money-whether it’s attracting or manifesting money, obtaining a new job, increasing business, or luck with gambling. This is a dressing oil only and can be used for candles, amulets, mojo bags, or to bless your cash. ***WARNING: Do not wear directly on the skin***
FIVE-O - This is a traditional hoodoo “law away” oil to ward off the police. Ideal for those that need to avoid marshalls, sheriffs, ICE, and other law enforcement.
DYNAMITE - Prepared on Mondays, this road opening oil packs enough punch to bust through any obstacle in your way. This oil can be worn on the body, used to dress candles, amulets, or mojo bags. ***ADDITIONAL NOTE: This oil pairs very well with Money Trees***
DEVOTIONAL (LIMITED EDITION OIL)- Our very special and very potent love oil. This oil can be used for any love spell. ***NOTE: This oil is only available in a 4oz***
BLACK MADONNA - Prepared once a month on the new moon. A general blessing and anointing oil that can be used for and/or combined with any type of Light work. This oil can be worn on the body, used to dress candles, amulets, or mojo bags.
ST. MICHAEL’S SWORD- Prepared on Sundays for protection, removing negativity, and reversal workings. This is a dressing oil (candles, mojo bags, amulets, etc) ***WARNING: Do not wear on the skin***
FAVORED- This conjure oil is specifically for work involving court cases, litigation, and other legal matters. Favored is to gain favor in court and ensure legal victory.
MAMA’S GUN - This oil is made to completely stop an enemy from taking any action against you, no matter what it takes. This oil is heavy handed, will cause harm to the target, and should be used as a last resort.
***WARNING: Extremely potent. Handle with care. Do not wear on the skin..***
HAVE A SEAT - This is a traditional “tied and nail” oil intended to bind an adversary and subdue them. This oil is for those wanting to counter an enemy without harming them. This oil can also be used for other domination works.
***WARNING: Extremely potent. Handle with care. Do not wear on the skin..***